About us

& why we focus on websites for hotels

Hello, my name is Pavla Bartonova, I am a UX/UI design­er and the founder of Look & Feel Agency.

I love web design, tech­nol­o­gy, and I am a hotel stay addict. Big time!

You can easily put 2 & 2 togeth­er and figure out why I created a company that makes websites espe­cial­ly for hotels.

The excit­ing aim we strive for is help hotels and vaca­tion rentals create user-friendly websites with clear navi­ga­tion, struc­tured infor­ma­tion, and effi­cient design to enhance their website’s visi­tors online expe­ri­ence so they choose to stay at their property.

We hope you could be one of them!

“The most impor­tant thing in any busi­ness is to listen and under­stand your customers. When you design for a niche, your clients will know you under­stand their needs.”