About us

& why we focus on websites for hotels

Hello, my name is Pavla Bartonova, I am the founder of Look & Feel Agency.

I love web design, tech­nol­o­gy, art and I am a hotel stay addict. Big time!

You can easily put 2 & 2 togeth­er and figure out why I created a company that makes websites espe­cial­ly for HOTELS.

I spent 5 excit­ing years living in 5 – 7 stars hotels all around the world while I worked for a major airline company.

But I also spent many of my holi­days staying at small wonder­ful B&Bs, boutique hotels and holiday homes.

I guess I will never have enough of explor­ing new wonder­ful places that you, hotel owners, managers and hotel employ­ees, make so beau­ti­ful and cosy for us, travelers.

If I could choose another job?

I would prob­a­bly like to be a hotel owner and create my own little traveler’s paradise – or an arche­ol­o­gist or painter..

And what do we want to achieve?

The excit­ing aim we strive for is to grow and make our clients, both small and large hotels, very happy about their new hotel websites.

We hope you could be one of them!

Big thanks goes to my support­ing colleagues:

Petr Barton – Photographer, videographer.

Iva Plesingerova – Language editor.

Tolis Aivalis – Business strategist.

“The most impor­tant thing in any busi­ness is to listen and under­stand your customers. When you design for a niche, your clients will know you under­stand their needs.”