Our web design process

How we work

Web design process steps we will take together during our journey

Design and devel­op­ment of a holiday prop­er­ty and hotel website is a several weeks process. We advise our clients to first prepare well their content – all website text and images. Several stages include a design phase, devel­op­men­tal phase and finally, a very impor­tant speed and search engine opti­miza­tion for better online search results.

  1. 1 We callWhatever option best suits you: Skype, Whatsapp, Facebook call, Viber or other. you.
  2. 2 You gather all your contentWe will create folders with prede­fined blank files for your project in Dropbox. You will fill in the content (text) and upload photos of your hotel or prop­er­ty..
  3. 3 We sign an agree­mentThe agree­ment is signed and in effect the moment you return it to us via e‑mail with your state­ment that you accept our agree­ment. We will need a copy (scan, photo) of your compa­ny’s legal regis­tra­tion docu­ment in order to send you the agree­ment.).
  4. 4 First paymentWe provide you with our bank account number., 50 % of the total amount.
  5. 5 We create a website map, you confirm.
  6. 6 We design your home­pageWe provide you with 1 design. 2 revi­sions are possi­ble. 2nd design will follow only in case you do not agree on the 1st design. Again, 2 revi­sions are possi­ble., you confirm.
  7. 7 Second payment, 30 % of the total cost.
  8. 8 We developYou will have access to the project through a web link in a later stage of devel­op­ment. your website.
  9. 9 We talk final refine­mentsBest option is a Skype video call with screen sharing turned on..
  10. 10 We final­ize and opti­mizeThis is a vital & time inten­sive stage that includes website speed opti­miza­tion, search engine opti­miza­tion, setting various Google tools includ­ing analyt­ics, acces­si­bil­i­ty testing etc..
  11. 11 You do a final check, you confirm.
  12. 12 Last payment, 20 % of the total cost.
  13. 13 That’s it if you have a web hosting from us or we moveYour website will be fully yours. You can edit it, have another web design­er to main­tain it, or you can subscribe to our main­te­nance plan. your website to your own web hosting planWhen choos­ing a hosting company, make sure it offers services opti­mized for WordPress. Go for quality & trusted compa­nies. We have several recom­men­da­tions, ask us..